Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lesson 22 - The Nervous System...The ALL POWERFUL!!!!

Today, we will be talking about the...NERVOUS SYSTEM!!!!!!

Let's get started...

The Nervous System is defined as a network of nerve cells and fibers that transmit signals through out the body. The nervous system is what senses stuff, interprets it, and responds to it.

Now there are 2 main division of the nervous system: the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. The Central Nervous System is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of all the other nerve tissue in the body.

The Peripheral Nervous System can be divided up further into the Autonomic Nervous System and the Somatic Nervous System. The Somatic Nervous System helps in voluntary muscle movement or the muscles that we can control. The Autonomic Nervous System controls the involuntary functions of the nervous system.

Don't worry were almost done. The Autonomic Nervous System can be divided into the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System. The Sympathetic Nervous System helps in our flight-or-fight response. The Parasympathetic Nervous System keep our body at rest and at homeostasis.

Now let's look at the basic component of the nervous system - the Neuron:

Now the neuron has 3 main parts: the soma, dendrites, and axons. The soma or cell body houses the nucleus and the other organelles of the cell. The dendrites receives signals from other neurons. The axon sends signals from the neuron. 

I thinks that's good for starters... We'll continue this later...