Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lesson 10 - The bone marrow said ,"Plasma B-cell, I am your father..."

    This post is supposed to give you knowledge about the organs of the immune and lymphatic system. It may or MAY NOT give you knowledge. If not please let me know through the comments so I can give you knowledge.

    Ok so I will start with the bone marrow. The bone marrow is located inside many of your bones. The bone marrow is the site of Erythrocyte production or red blood cell production. The bone marrow is also the site of B-cell production (that is where the B in B-cell come from (**SHUT UP CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! :)**)). B-cell do not start out as memory and plasma cells. They only become either a plasma or a memory B-cell when they are activated by either an antigen or a Helper T-cell.

    The next organ is the thymus. The thymus is a organ which produces our body's T-cells. T-cells are VERY IMPORTANT in our immune system. If you want to know why they are important, check out Lesson 9. The thymus is located in the superior anterior portion of our chest, right behind the sternum.

    The next organ is part of the lymphatic system. They are lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are located all over the body in 3 main areas. The cervical, axillary, and groin areas. There are about 600 in our body and they can very from 1mm to 25mm in size. Lymph nodes filter out liquid that leaks out of capillaries.

    The next organ is also part of the lymphatic system. It is the spleen. The spleen is basically a big lymph node. It filters out lymph or liquid that leaks from the capillaries. It is made of the red and white pulp. The white pulp is more central. It's function is immune surveillance. The red pulp is rich in red blood cells and macrophages (The red blood cells have hemoglobin which is a red pigment. That makes the red pulp red) (I feel so SMART right now).

Here are some pictures of the organs that we went over:


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