Friday, January 2, 2015

Lesson 16 - ECG - WHAT IS THAT??????


    An ECG is a way of reading the way a heart is beating. Let's break it down:
        E: electro - means that it uses electricity
        C: cardio - means that it involves the heart
        G: gram - means that it records something

    An ECG is a way to check if a persons heart is beating correctly.
Ok. A normal heart beat on a ECG shows up like this:

    If anything changes about this diagram, significantly, then it will not be a normal heart beat.
Now let us see a more scientific heart beat that labels the heart beat.

    Ok. The basic parts of an ECG consists of a P, Q, R, S, T, and U. 
The P: refers to atrial depolarization
The QRS: refers to ventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization
The T: refers to ventricular repolarization
The U: occurs in people with heart problems - it is not always seen
    In Lesson 16, we learned about the heart conduction system. There is definitely a connection between them.
    SA node to AV node: atrial depolarization
    AV node to Purkinje Fibers: ventricular depolarization
    Now these are only basic groupings. I encourage you to learn more about the heart conduction system and ECG diagrams.

I hope this helped!!

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